Utility Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find the City of Solomon current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you. 

Should you experience a problem with your water, please call the phone numbers provided. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water.

Monthly utility billing collects water, sanitary sewer and storm drain fees.  The City reads meters the 20th of the month. Utility bills are mailed the last day of the month.

All utility bills are due on the 15th of the month. After the 15th, a 10% penalty is added to past due bill.  Deliquent notices are mailed the 16th of the month.  

Payment must be received by the 28th of the month. If payment is not received, service will be disconnected on the 29th.  Payment in full and a reconnection charge is accessed to the account and is required to be paid in full prior to service being restored.

WATER RATES:  (effective August 2024)

Minimum, up to 1,000 gallons:  $21.50

All in excess of 1,000 gallons: $3.84 per 1,000 gallons

Bulk Water rate: $10 per 1,000 gallons plus $25 connection fee for each purchase

SEWER RATES:  (effective May 2010)

Each user of the sanitary sewer system:  $20 per month

STORM WATER UTILITY FEE: (effective May 2012)

All properties are assess $1.25 per drainage unit per month 


When making application for utility service, the property owner or customer shall make a non-refundable payment of $50 to the city for turning on water service and establishing the new account.

Contact Info

Krista Radke
Municipal Services Clerk
116 W Main PO Box 273 Solomon, KS 67480
[email protected]

New Minimum gallons