Animal Services
The City of Solomon Animal Services' department provides the following assistance to all residents and is dedicated to helping protect the health, safety and welfare of both people and animals in our community.
- Responding to stray animal complaints
- Responding to animals at large
- Impoundments
- Licensing/tagging of pets
Contact the Dickinson County Sheriff's Department non-emergency number to report dangerous animals or report an animal bite.
Annual registration of dogs and cats shall be due January 1st and payable by March 31st of each and every year. The City sponsors an annual pet vaccination clinic. Dr. Alan Myers of Bluestem Veterinary Services provides discounted vaccinations and you can purchase a city tag at the same time.
To register your pet, please have the following information available:
- Name of Owner
- Address of Owner
- Name of Pet
- Sex of Pet
- Breed and Description of Pet
- Proof of current Rabies Vaccination
Registration Fee per Pet
- $3.00 Spayed or Neutered
- $5.00 Intact
- $10 penalty plus the registration fee for late registration (after March 31st)
A citation will be issued for failure to register pets. The fine is $60 plus $110 court costs.
Newly Acquired Pets
Must be registered within 30 days of acquisition or moving into City Limits.
No person or household shall own or harbor in any combination more than four animals of six months of age or older or more than one litter of animals or engage in the commercial business of breeding, buying, selling, trading, training, or boarding animals without obtaining a kennel license. Kennel licensing is given only when in compliance with Zoning Regulations as well as state and local laws.
Prohibited Animals
It is unlawful to keep, harbor, own or in any way possess:
1) Any domestic livestock or fowl, including but not limited to cattle, swine, horses, mules, sheep, goats, geese, turkeys, with the exceptions of:
- No more than two (2) rabbits;
- Domestic chickens and/or ducks may be kept if permitted in accordance with Section 2-125 of the city code (see below for Chicken Permit).
2) Any warm-blooded wild or exotic animals (including, but no limited to nonhuman primates, raccoons, skunks, foxes, wild and exotic cats)
3) Any animal having poisonous bites
All premises on which animals are kept shall be subject to inspection for sanitation deficiencies and/or adequate care standards by City Officials. Dead animals shall be disposed of within 24 hours and shall not be dumped on any public or private property.
At Large
All animals shall be under the immediate control of a competent person so that an animal is unable to run or get loose at will. It is unlawful for the owner or harborer of any animal to permit such animal to run at large within the City at any time.
Any animal found to be in violation shall be subject to impoundment by the City. Registered pets are kept for five days from date of impoundment and City will try to contact owner; unregistered pets are kept three days. Pets are released to owners only after payment of impoundment fees ($25.00 per day) and agreement to comply with registration and vaccination provisions within three days. Payment of impoundment fees shall not preclude the Municipal Court from imposing any fine which might otherwise be levied for violation of city codes.
Contact Info
Andrea McCook
City Clerk
116 W Main PO Box 273 Solomon, KS 67480
[email protected]
Krista Radke
Municiapal Services Clerk
116 W Main PO Box 273 Solomon, KS 67480
[email protected]
Dickinson County Communications
Frequently Asked Questions
Does the City require pets to be registered?
Annual registration of dogs and cats shall be due January 1st and payable by March 1st of each and every year. You must provide proof of valid rabies vaccination.
Does the City have a dog pound?
Yes, it's for the City's use only. Any stray pets or pets running at large are housed in the dog pound until the owner can be located. Watch our Facebook page. We post a photo and description of impounded pets.
Does the City have any breed specific bans?
Are chickens allowed in city limits?
YES! No more than 6 hens are allowed. Roosters are not allowed within City Limits. A current and valid permit are required. Contact City Hall for further information.