
The City of Solomon Municipal Court provides citizens with a fair and impartial court of law by interpreting and adjudicating applicable state laws and city ordinances.  Our pledge is to uphold this commitment and offer courteous customer service to all citizens.

Court is held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 4 pm.  Use the rear entrance to City Hall.

When you appear in Court, you will be required to obey the following rules:

- Address the court and attendees in a respectful manner

- Remove any hats or caps upon entering the Courtroom

- Appropriate clothing and shoes must be worn.

- Cell phone must be turned off.

- Food/drink is not allowed in the Courtroom.

a gavel

Law and Order

Contact Info

Krista Radke
Municipal Services Clerk
116 W Main St PO Box 273 Solomon, KS 67480
[email protected]

Brock Abbey
City Prosecutor
116 W Main St PO Box 273 Solomon, KS 67480
[email protected]

John Barker
Municipal Judge