Fire Department

The City of Solomon Fire Department's mission is to protect and enhance the quality of life for all citizens and visitors from the adverse effects of natural and man-made emergencies. 

Our goal is to provide a protection program through a cost-efficient approach to emergency response, fire code application and public fire education.  

The Fire Department consists of volunteer personnel. They are your neighbors and come from all walks of life.  If you would like to volunteer, please contact the Fire Chief.  Training opportunities are available.  Members include: Randy Paden, Fire Chief; Chris Ade, Assistant Fire Chief; Caleb Abell, Dalton Bledsoe, Brian Duryea, Kirk Gable, Joshua Gengler, Billy Hemmy, Marc Stephens, Sandy Stephens, Ruby Thompson, Westley Wilson.

Disposal Permit:

Burn permits are valid for 7 days for the disposal of yard wastes through the open burning of leaves, grass, bushes, limbs, weeds or brush on property which:

  • Does not create an unreasonable risk to life or health of others.
  • Will be attended and controlled at all times by a responsible adult.
  • An adequate water supply for extinguishment is readily available.
  • The location of the fire is not within 150 ft of any oil or fuel tank.
  • Fire is started no earlier than 1 hour after sunrise.
  • Fire must be extinguished by sunset.
  • No fire can be started and shall be extinguished if wind is less than 5 mph or exceeds 15 mph.
  • Permit holder shall call Dickinson County Emergency Communications Center at 785-263-4041 prior to igniting any brush pile.

Recreational Fires (backyard fire pits):

  • Fire must be attended and controlled at all times by a responsible, sober adult.
  • An adequate water supply for extinguishment is readily available.
  • Fire is fueled by clean, dry wood only.
  • Fire area is cleared of combustible vegetation.
  • Fire must be surrounded by non-flammable containment ring with diameter of no more than 48 inches.
  • Fire or its attendant’s recreational activity DO NOT disturb the peace or safety of the community.
  • Flame height of the fire shall not exceed two feet.
  • Permit is NOT required.

Cooking Exception:

  • Open fires used for cooking of foods are allowed in a contained, regularly used grill, food smoker or fire ring designed and build for cooking food with a diameter less than 36 inches.
  • Permit is NOT required.

BURN BANWhen the Fire Chief declares a Burn Ban, no burning is allowed and no permit will be issued.


Any person conducting a fire in violation of this ordinance, or who fails or refuses to extinguish a fire when ordered to by the Fire Chief or Law Enforcement Officer shall be guilty of a Class B Non-Person Misdemeanor in the Solomon Municipal Court and may be subject to a fine of up to $1000 and/or incarceration in the county jail for a term up to 6 months.



The City of Solomon allows fireworks to be discharged in City Limits July 1st - 4th from 9:00 am to 11:00 PM. 

Here are a few items to keep in mind:

1) Fireworks cannot be discharged or ignited upon any public street, alley, park or other public place within the City.

2) It is unlawful for any person to throw fireworks in the direction of any animal, person, groups of persons or vehicles.

3) Bottle Rockets and other self-propelled fireworks consisting of a tube and attached guiding stock are prohibited under State law under any circumstances.  Homemade fireworks/bombs are prohibited.

4) Violations (including littering) are punishable by fines not less than $100 and/or imprisonment for up to 30 days

5) Dickinson County Sheriff’s officers are authorized to take and keep any fireworks kept or used in violation


Contact Info

Randy Paden
Fire Chief
521 N Poplar, Solomon KS 67480
[email protected]
Visit Website

Frequently Asked Questions

Are burn permits required in the City?

Yes.  Office staff will issue a Burn Permit.  It is valid for 7 days. There is no charge.  Make sure you meet the guidelines set forth under the Residents tab, Emergency Services, Fire Department.

Are burn bans issued?

Yes, the Fire Chief can place a burn ban in the fire district (city and Lincoln township) when he deems it necessary.  There is a map that is updated on Dickinson County website: Go to the Home page, and click the View All button under What's Happening at Dickinson County.  There is  Burn Restriction Map on the menu to the left.