Building Permits & Inspections

The Building Inspector will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. He is responsible for permitting all construction and conducting inspections of all construction-related permits.

The Building Permits and Inspections Department is responsible for:

  • Conducting building construction inspections
  • Issuing building permits
  • Reviewing building plans
  • The City requires permits for replacement of roofs.  The contractor must be licensed by the State of Kansas.
  • Working directly with the Planning and Zoning Commission
  • Conducting code enforcement for health and environmental nuisances

The City requires annual licensing for all Heating & Air, Plumbing, Electrical and Roofing Contractors to perform work within city limits.  General and Demolition Contractors must have a license if the total cost of the project is greater than $3,000.  A list of licensed contractors is listed below.  An application for a contractor license is also attached.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for getting a building permit?

If you will be making changes to the structure of your home or any type of addition to the house or the property (including fences, out buildings, car ports, concrete pads), contact the Building Inspector. 

More information is availabe under the Residents tab, Building Permits & Inspections.

Do I need a fence around my pool?

A fence permit is required for pools with water depth of 2 ft or more.

Do I need a permit for a roof?

Yes!  All roofs needs a permit and the roofing contractors MUST BE registered and in good standing with the Kansas Attorney General's office.  Please check to make sure your contractor is registered before you hire them.

Where are my property lines?

Property lines are identified by the property pins in the corners of the property.  If you cannot find the pins, you must hire a private surveyor to accurately survey the property boundary.  The City of Solomon does not provide this service.

Contact Info

Dave Hasker
Building Inspector
116 W Main, Solomon KS 67480
[email protected]