Recreation Programs
Having fun, meeting your neighbors and making new friends is what living in the City of Solomon is all about. Throughout the year, the Recreation Commission offers a variety of programs including youth baseball, T-ball, softball and soccer. Youth arts and crafts is a new addition this year. Adults can participate in exercise class and open gym. The REC commission hosts a Back To School Swim in partnership with the City of Solomon and Solomon Gorilla Foundation.
The REC Commission consists for five members serving a four year term: two appointed by USD 393; two appointed by the CIty of Solomon and one at-large member. USD 393: Wade Walker 2026; Jim Atkisson, Vice President 2026. CITY: Natalie Wood, Secretary 2023; Kyle McCook, President 2024. AT-LARGE: Liz Krause 2023.
Contact Info
Amy Yenzer
Recreation Coordinator
[email protected]
Visit Website
Caleb Smith
Ballfield Superintendent